Credit Bureau Committee

FCC’s Credit Bureau Committee plays an active role in the policy making processes. FCC, on behalf of the industry, advocates for various issues emanating from operating in this sector. Bringing all ecosystem stakeholders under one roof, we bridge the gap between the industry and the government, policymakers & regulatory bodies to shape the regulatory and supervisory environment that support innovation.

The Credit Bureau Committee works towards addressing industry-related issues through advocacy efforts. This committee's charter encompasses crucial areas such as financial inclusion, driving digitization, promoting prudent lending practices, ensuring compliance requirements, and enhancing access to information.

At the bureau committee of Fintech convergence council, we have held cross industry call between the bureau and the lending industry. The industry has worked in terms of driving Financial Inclusion.

DPDPA along with representation requesting Support for the CICs due to conflicts/overlaps between the CIC (Regulation) Act, 2005 and the DPDPA.

Become A Member

As a pioneering RegTech firm working on multiple facets of innovation in technology, we invite you to join FCC’s RegTech Committee. Benefit from:

Networking Opportunities:
Connect with industry leaders, policymakers, and tech innovators.

Access to Knowledge Sessions:
Stay informed on compliance trends and best practices.

Market Insights & Advocacy:
Collaborate in shaping policies and influencing positive regulatory change.

Become A Partner

As an industry voice with a common goal to uphold industry best practices and promote access to markets and discussions, we invite you to become a Partner with FCC. Benefit from:

Access to Ecosystem:
Access to FCC Members for Events, Programs, Workshops, Think Tanks, Hackathons, Knowledge Sessions, etc. being organised by you

Jointly work on programs and initiatives with a goal to derive common benefits

As a Partner, FCC will share the Company logo on its website and LinkedIn