Digital Financial Service Providers (DFSP) Committee

FCCs Digital Financial Service Providers (DFSP) Committee plays a pivotal role in advocating for the growth and development of the emerging digital financial services sector in India. With a focus on addressing key industry challenges, the committee works to bring together all stakeholders within the digital financial ecosystem.

By fostering collaboration between DFSPs, regulators, and policymakers, the committee aims to create a favorable environment that supports innovation and the responsible growth of digital financial services in India.

The DFSP Committee's efforts are centered around ensuring that the sector is well-represented and its needs are understood by the relevant authorities. This includes regular interactions with regulatory bodies to discuss industry concerns and provide input on policy development. The committee has established a Code of Conduct, which all members adhere to, reinforcing its commitment to promoting ethical and transparent practices within the sector.

Become A Member

As a pioneering RegTech firm working on multiple facets of innovation in technology, we invite you to join FCC’s RegTech Committee. Benefit from:

Networking Opportunities:
Connect with industry leaders, policymakers, and tech innovators.

Access to Knowledge Sessions:
Stay informed on compliance trends and best practices.

Market Insights & Advocacy:
Collaborate in shaping policies and influencing positive regulatory change.

Become A Partner

As an industry voice with a common goal to uphold industry best practices and promote access to markets and discussions, we invite you to become a Partner with FCC. Benefit from:

Access to Ecosystem:
Access to FCC Members for Events, Programs, Workshops, Think Tanks, Hackathons, Knowledge Sessions, etc. being organised by you

Jointly work on programs and initiatives with a goal to derive common benefits

As a Partner, FCC will share the Company logo on its website and LinkedIn